جامعة فلسطين الأهلية


الدكتور إيهاب خلايلة والأستاذ مراد الزير، يشاركان في نشر دراسة جديدة بعنوان “أثر وعد بلفور والانتداب البريطاني على ضياع فلسطين (1917-1948)”

ملخص البحث This paper clarifies the basis of Balfour Declaration (November 2, 1917), a statement of British support for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine, and explains how it was generally contradictory to both the Sykes-Picot Agreement and Hussein-McMahon correspondence, and how they in turn contradicted one another, and [...]

الدكتور مهند رزق، يشارك في نشر دراسة جديدة بعنوان “نهج المحاكاة الهجين الأمثل للتخطيط لتوزيع مساعدات الإغاثة دراسة حالة”

ملخص البحث Purpose Authorities have set up numerous security checkpoints during times of armed conflict to control the flow of commercial and humanitarian trucks into and out of areas of conflict. These security checkpoints have become highly utilized because of the complex security procedures and increased truck traffic, which significantly slow the delivery of relief [...]

الدكتور راتب أبو شامة والدكتور عزام العرب يشاركان في نشر دراسة بعنوان “آثار تقنية موليجان للكاحل عند الأطفال المصابين بالشلل الدماغي: دراسة محكمة عشوائية”

ملخص البحث Objective: To assess the impact of range of motion changes before and after Mulligan mobilisation with ankle movement interventions on the daily lives of children with diplegic cerebral palsy. Method: The single blind randomised controlled study was conducted from July 30, 2022, to January 10, 2023, at 3 rehabilitation centres in Hebron, Palestine, [...]

الأستاذ هيثم حجازي، يشارك في نشر دراسة جديدة بعنوان “نموذج ذكاء اصطناعي قابل للتفسير للكشف المبكر عن كوفيد-19 باستخدام البيانات الفسيولوجية”

ملخص البحث With the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, countries worldwide faced significant concerns and challenges. Various studies have emerged utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science techniques for disease detection. Although COVID-19 cases have declined, there are still cases and deaths around the world. Therefore, early detection of COVID-19 before the onset of symptoms [...]

الدكتور معتز أبو سارة والأستاذ سامح طقاطقة، يشاركان في نشر دراسة جديدة بعنوان “استخدام نماذج التعلم العميق (RNN، LSTM، CNN-LSTM، وBi-LSTM) لتصنيف النص العربي”

ملخص البحث With the increase in the number of Internet users, the amount of data has increased dramatically. Millions of texts are written daily in most fields, whether cultural, scientific, political, health, or others, through websites, social media, and academic or news institutions. This data has become an essential source for providing additional services. One [...]