Urban sustainable development SOLutions Valuing Entrepreneurship


The implementation of the United Nations ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ in urban areas is of crucial importance to make our cities sustainable, livable and resilient over the long term. Vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystems can bring a valuable contribution in designing innovative solutions that have a positive impact against the negative effects of climate change. To ensure potential entrepreneurs, especially young people, can turn ideas into actual businesses, an enabling ecosystem, supported by public authorities, is needed. U-SOLVE intends to enhance support to young entrepreneurs in urban areas with focus on the environment and sustainable development. The project will create experimental pathways for place-based strategies, suitable for the Mediterranean countries, where the entrepreneurial energy is oriented towards sustainable and integrated territorial development.

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Financial Data

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To create a model of urban development based on innovative entrepreneurship, addressing sustainable development challenges, boosting urban business ecosystems and creating jobs in emerging social and environmental markets.

Specific Objectives

  • Promote youth and female population entrepreneurship and participation to a co-planned model of intervention and economic growth of the areas where this population lives.
  • Promote and sustain the economic growth of these areas through the promotion of new creative industries.
  • Create new entrepreneurship and employment in the green and blue economy based upon innovation and sustainable development principles.
  • Identify, develop and test an Innovative Process for Urban development based on doughnut economy.
  • Experiment a model of Sustainable Urban Metabolism based on entrepreneurial governance.

Who will benefit?

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Expected achievements

  • 7 roadmaps and methodologies to enhance create urban ecosystems
  • 120 start-uppers trained to strengthen the scaling-up potential of their business ideas
  • 30 start-up companies addressing environmental issues with innovative ideas that can be turned into new services or products
  •  6 urban hubs set up as incubators for entrepreneurs
  • 7 strategic documents on urban entrepreneurial policy for sustainable development in the Mediterranean area

Project duration

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Work Packages

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This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of <Lead Beneficiary y’s/partner’s name> and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or the Programme management structures.