الدكتور فايز أبو عمرية والدكتور موسى عجوز يشاركان في نشر دراسة جديدة بعنوان “استكشاف التسلسل: كيف تعمل منصات الشراء الآن والدفع لاحقًا على تغذية النزعة الشرائية وتأثيرها على الاستدامة”

الدكتور فايز أبو عمرية والدكتور موسى عجوز يشاركان في نشر دراسة جديدة بعنوان “استكشاف التسلسل: كيف تعمل منصات الشراء الآن والدفع لاحقًا على تغذية النزعة الشرائية وتأثيرها على الاستدامة”

ملخص البحث

This study analyzes the collective impact of BNPL services, credit card uses, overdraft availability, and weekly income on impulse buying behaviors, focusing on their implications for environmental sustainability. Employing a quantitative approach, the study surveyed approximately 153 Palestinian university students, utilizing a systematically designed questionnaire to gather data on impulse buying tendencies and financial behaviors. The analysis revealed that BNPL usage significantly predicts impulse buying tendencies, explaining approximately 39.5% of the variance in these behaviors. Additionally, a negative correlation between weekly income and impulse buying was found, suggesting more calculated purchasing decisions at higher income levels. This research contributes to understanding consumer behavior in digital retail environments, highlighting the transformative impact of electronic payment methods on young adults’ impulse buying and the need for a balanced approach in consumer finance and retail strategies in the digital age.

كيفية الاستشهاد للبحث:

Ajouz, M., Abuamria, F., Shehadeh, M., Abu-AlSondos, I. A., Aldulaimi, S. H., & Abdeldayem, M. (2024, January). Exploring the Cascade: How Buy-Now-Pay-Later Platforms Fuel Impulse Buying Tendency and the Subsequent Impact on Sustainability. In 2024 ASU International Conference in Emerging Technologies for Sustainability and Intelligent Systems (ICETSIS) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.‏

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