جامعة فلسطين الأهلية تعلن عن المشاريع التي حصلت على منحة U-SOLVE
أعلنت جامعة فلسطين الأهلية ضمن أنشطة مشروع حلول تنموية حضرية مستدامة لتعزيز ريادة الأعمال U-SOLVE عن المشاريع الخمسة الفائزة والتي ستحصل على منحة من المشروع في فلسطين وذلك بهدف إطلاق ودعم شركاتهم الناشئة، وبعد رحلة استمرت أكثر من عام ونصف تخللها تقييم احتياجات النظام الحضري الفلسطيني، وتحديات التنمية المستدامة والبحث عن المشاريع الإبداعية المستجيبة، وتنفيذ […]
جامعة فلسطين الأهلية تنظم فعالية “أنت أقوى من الأزمات..إفحصي واطمئني”
نظمت عمادة شؤون الطلبة وكلية العلوم الطبية المساندة وكلية العلوم والمهن التطبيقية والمركز الصحي صديق الشباب في جامعة فلسطين الأهلية، وبالشراكة مع جمعية الإغاثة الطبية الفلسطينية، فعالية “ أنت أقوى من الأزمات.إفحصي واطمئني“ في مسرح الجامعة، بحضور عميد شؤون الطلبة الدكتور إيهاب خلايلة، وعميد كلية العلوم والمهن التطبيقية الدكتور محمد شديد، وأعضاء من الهيئتين الأكاديمية والإدارية، وممثليين عن […]
File chunking towards on-chain storage: a blockchain-based data preservation framework
Abstract The growing popularity of the most current wave of decentralized systems, powered by blockchain technology, which act as data vaults and preserve data, ensures that, once stored, it stays preserved, considered to be one of the most promising safe and immutable storage methods. The authors of this research suggest an on-chain storage framework that […]
Statistical calculation of beta radiotherapy dose using I-131: analysis and simulation method
Abstract This study aims to investigate the influence of the work environment (WE) on innovative work behavior (IWB) in state higher education institutions while considering the mediating roles of organizational learning (OL) and employee engagement (EE). Academic and non-academic staff data were collected through a quantitative survey methodology and analysed using PLS-SEM. Results indicate that […]
Ijara of specified benefits and forward Ijara as a form of finance in Islamic banks in the virtual era
Abstract Purpose: Ijara is one of the exchange contracts that is based on selling benefits and services. There are several forms of Ijara: Ijara specified objects, specified work and hiring a private or joint employee. The target of all these is obtaining a benefit. For instance, in the specified Ijara, the lessee desires to obtain […]
Unearthing the Influence of Work Environment on Innovative Work Behavior: Mediated by Organizational Learning and Employee Engagement
Abstract This study aims to investigate the influence of the work environment (WE) on innovative work behavior (IWB) in state higher education institutions while considering the mediating roles of organizational learning (OL) and employee engagement (EE). Academic and non-academic staff data were collected through a quantitative survey methodology and analysed using PLS-SEM. Results indicate that […]
Evaluating the Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on the Development of Creative Thinking Among University Students in Jordan
Abstract This study assesses the impact of entrepreneurship education on fostering creative thinking skills among university students in Jordan. Using a descriptive methodology, the researchers used a random sample of 300 Jordanian university students. The study utilized a comprehensive questionnaire comprising three sections and 31 detailed questions to derive its findings. The research ascertains that […]