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Dr. Mahmoud Itmeizeh

Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences

00970 - 22751566 / 174


The Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences has two departments: the Department of Languages and the Department of Humanities. Those departments offer three academic programs: Applied English, Social Work, and Islamic Studies. These three programs prepare students for various jobs within Palestinian society by providing the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out their duties successfully and contribute to serving the local community.

VISION: The Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences strives to deliver programs focusing on a balanced approach to teaching theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The goal is to produce students who can contribute to developing Palestinian society and are armed with the appropriate qualifications for various jobs in their relevant fields of specialization.

MISSION: PAU’s Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences offers programs that allow students to study in an academic environment and enrich their knowledge and skills through research and experimentation.

The Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences strives to achieve five main objectives:
1. Continually review the programs, focusing on the intended learning outcomes, syllabus and assessment methods.
2. To deliver academic programs that meet the needs of the Palestinian labor market.
3. To provide students with knowledge and skills that qualify them to pursue graduate studies.
4. To provide professional development activities for faculty members.
5. To encourage faculty members to conduct research that contributes to developing and enhancing the teaching and learning process.