Internal Auditory Canal (IAC) and Cerebellopontine Angle (CPA): Comparison between T2-weighted SPACE and 3D-CISS sequences at 1.5T

Internal Auditory Canal (IAC) and Cerebellopontine Angle (CPA): Comparison between T2-weighted SPACE and 3D-CISS sequences at 1.5T


MR cisternography relies on three-dimensional (3D) heavily T2-weighted imaging techniques. It can be used to assess the internal auditory canal (IAC) and Cerebellopontine Angle (CPA) anatomy and pathology. There are two techniques usually used for this purpose; T2-weighted SPACE and Three-Dimensional Constructive Interference in Steady State (3D-CISS). The current study aims to evaluate differences in image quality between 3D-CISS and T2-weighted SPACE sequences and to compare their ability to differentiate the anatomy of the CPA and IAC structures. This study was conducted in 64 patients. Each patient was imaged with both 3D-CISS and T2-weighted SPACE sequences, then the images were also reviewed by two radiologists for anatomy evaluation. The results showed that T2-weighted SPACE outperforms 3D-CISS for the assessments of IAC, cranial nerve, cochlear anatomic structures, semicircular canals, and vestibule. The study also showed there is no statically significant difference between the two sequences according to the gender and the age of patients.

How to Cite

Makhamrah, O., Ahmad, M. S., Doufish, D., & Mohammad, H. (2023). Internal Auditory Canal (IAC) and Cerebellopontine Angle (CPA): Comparison between T2-weighted SPACE and 3D-CISS sequences at 1.5 T. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 206, 110797.‏

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