Palestine Ahliya University Opens the Language Lab
Public Relations Dept – Palestine Ahliya University Opens Language Lab with in one of Erasmus plus projects, English language teaching development project “TEFL”. The opening ceremony was attended by Mr. Dawoud Al-Zeer Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Faeyz Abuamria Vice-president of Academic Affairs ,Dr. Imad Al-Zeer Vice-president of Financial and Administrative affairs , Dr.Aziz Khalil Dean of Art Faculty , Mr.Khaled Shanaa Executive Director of Projects Department , Mr. Jiries Abu Ghannam Head of International and Public Relations Department in addition to members of the academic and administrative staff.
Ms.Hind Abu-Shkhadim opened the ceremony welcoming guests. Subsequently ,Mr. Dawoud Al-Zeer made a speech where he confirmed that the university in line with its vision believes in the necessity of opening doors towards the local community , interact with it and create partnership opportunities with different organizations to exchange knowledge and expertise . He stated:”the Deep Goal behind this project is giving true opportunity to interaction, in order to give the Palestinian student the feeling that he has an duty in receiving knowledge besides learning, and to be truly loyal to this country.”
By his side Mr. Khaled Shanaa the project manager affirmed that the university throughout its projects to seek target developed teaching methods in corresponding to global technological development. He added:” This project aims to developing English Language Courses and the skills of its administrative and academic university staff”. He celebrated the fast response of the executive staff in successfully achieving the project that develops the university and Keep pace with technological development.
Furthermore , Dr. Aziz Khalil Dean of Arts Faculty expressed his happiness with opening the lab , that is considered one of the most developed labs in the Palestinian Universities .He provided an overview about the project that offers developing skills for administrative and academic staff in addition to practical application of students and develop upgraded educational courses . Additionally, He Thanked Erasmus +, for its support towards the Palestinian educational sector that contributes in enhancing and enabling higher education institutions.
Mr. Ahmed Nassim, Director of the Information Technology Department, presented in detail the laboratory work, its idea, goals, expected outputs and activities through which they can be implemented through . In addition to an explanation about the advanced electronic devices that are used in the laboratory.
In the end, Dr. Imad Al-Zeer thanked the executive team of the project, and the administrative and academic staff at the university for their performance in completing the laboratory.