الدكتور معتز أبو سارة، يشارك في نشر دراسة جديدة بعنوان “إخفاء الرسائل باستخدام المواقع والكتل المنفصلة”

الدكتور معتز أبو سارة، يشارك في نشر دراسة جديدة بعنوان “إخفاء الرسائل باستخدام المواقع والكتل المنفصلة”

ملخص البحث

A novel method of message steganography is introduced to solve the disadvantages of traditional least significant bit (LSB) based methods by dividing the covering-stego image into a secret number of blocks. A chaotic logistic map model was performed using the chaotic parameters and the number of image blocks for generating a chaotic key. This key was then sorted, and the locations of blocks 1 to 8 were used to select the required blocks to be used as covering-stego blocks. The introduced method simplifies the process of message bits hiding and extracting by adopting a batch method of bits hiding and extracting. A comparative analysis was conducted between the outcomes of proposed method and those of prevalent approaches to outline the enhancements in both speed and quality of message steganography.

كيفية الاستشهاد للبحث:

Rasras, R. J., Sara, M. R. A., & Alqadi, Z. (2024). Message steganography using separate locations and blocks. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)14(4), 4055-4067.‏

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