الدكتور عماد الزير، والدكتور محمود صلاحات، والدكتور موسى عجوز، يشاركون في نشر دراسة جديدة بعنوان ” كيف يعمل سلوك العمل المبتكر وسلوك المواطنة التنظيمية على تحسين إنتاجية الموظفين؟”

الدكتور عماد الزير، والدكتور محمود صلاحات، والدكتور موسى عجوز، يشاركون في نشر دراسة جديدة بعنوان ” كيف يعمل سلوك العمل المبتكر وسلوك المواطنة التنظيمية على تحسين إنتاجية الموظفين؟”

ملخص البحث

This chapter aims to investigate the mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and innovative work behavior (IWB) at higher education institutions and administrative employees’ productivity. To achieve this objective, the survey research method uses quantitative data collected from staff members employed in higher education. A partial least squares structural equation modeling was applied to the data elicited in data analysis. Additionally, the current research performed a systematic bibliometric analysis of contemporary literature on the factors influencing employee productivity. The findings supported the hypothesized mediating role of OCB and IWB between organizational learning and employee engagement in improving employee productivity. Unexpectedly, no supporting evidence was found of the relationship between employee training and employee productivity. Further, the proposed model explains 61.2% of the variance in employee productivity. This study adds to existing research on employee productivity by introducing novel and theoretically sound mediators to clarify how the relationship between a higher education institution’s OCB and IWB and its employees’ productivity unfolds.

كيفية الاستشهاد للبحث:

Salahat, M. A., Ajouz, M. A., & AlZeer, I. (2024). How Do Innovative Work Behavior and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Improve Employee Productivity?. In Information and Communication Technology in Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable and Equal Opportunity: Education, Sustainability and Women Empowerment (pp. 201-212). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.‏

رابط البحث
