الدكتور محمود اطميزه والدكتور احمد عوض ينشران بحثاً بعنوان تسريع واستدامة تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية من خلال السرد القصصي

الدكتور محمود اطميزه والدكتور احمد عوض ينشران بحثاً بعنوان تسريع واستدامة تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية من خلال السرد القصصي

عنوان البحث:

تسريع واستدامة تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية من خلال السرد القصصي

 Accelerating and sustaining Learning of English via Storytelling

ملخص الدراسة:

 Although storytelling is effective in accelerating and sustaining learning, locally, few studies are done in this regard, so the researchers conducted this study to investigate the role of storytelling in accelerating and sustaining students’ learning of English. To this end, the researchers interviewed 5 teachers of English in Nablus City schools: (3) females and (2) males. They also distributed a 30-item questionnaire among 20 male and female teachers of English in Nablus City schools during the second semester of the scholastic year 2019-2020. Results of the two tools showed that storytelling can accelerate and sustain the learning of English. Based on this result, the researchers recommended using storytelling in schools and including them in the curriculum of English to motivate students to quickly and interestingly learn English.

Keywords: storytelling; accelerated learning; sustaining learning; teachers’ perspective; students’ motivation.

تفاصيل النشر:

 WWJMRD 2023; 9(01): 80-86 www.wwjmrd.com

International Journal Peer Reviewed Journal Refereed Journal

Indexed Journal

Impact Factor SJIF 2017: 5.182 2018: 5.51, (ISI) 2020- 2021: 1.361 E-ISSN: 2454-6615


اسم المجلة :

World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development (January-2023) 

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