الدكتور محمود اطميزه والدكتور سالم الدعجه ينشران بحثاً حول التطبيقات النفسية والتربوية للطريقة التواصلية في التعليم واستراتيجية استجابة كامل الجسد.
عنوان البحث:
التطبيقات النفسية والتربوية للطريقة التواصلية في التعليم واستراتيجية استجابة كامل الجسد.
ملخص الدراسة:
The current study aims at investigating the psychological and pedagogical implements of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and the Total Physical Response (TPR) in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). The main focus of this study is on the principles and techniques of these two teaching methods, in addition to their psychological and pedagogical implements in EFL classes. The study, which follows the descriptive-analytical method, also scrutinizes the techniques utilized showing their crucial role in transferring the teachers’ role from knowledge importing to stimulators for interactive learning. The main results showed that the use of these two methods could play an active role in enhancing learners’ dependency, minimizing their shyness, raising their motivation, and activating both hemispheres of the brain. Some psychological and pedagogical implements and recommendations have been stated at the end of the study.
Keywords: Authenticity, Communicative Language Teaching, Total Physical Response, pedagogical
and psychological domains.
تفاصيل النشر:
Volume 13. Number3. September 2022. Pp.339-355
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.24093/awej/vol13no3.22
اسم المجلة :
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ)
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