U-SOLVE: Palestine Ahliya University and Bethlehem Municipality to implement joint community engagement activities

U-SOLVE: Palestine Ahliya University and Bethlehem Municipality to implement joint community engagement activities

Bethlehem – Within the framework of the Urban sustainable development SOLutions Valuing Entrepreneurship Project (U-SOLVE), Palestine Ahliya University and Bethlehem Municipality held their first technical meeting to develop a work plan and community engagement activities in the coming months as partners in the project.

U-SOLVE is funded by the European Union within the ENI CBC MED Programme, and is implemented in six Mediterranean countries: Palestine, Greece, Italy, Egypt, Jordan, and Cyprus. It intends to enhance support to young and women entrepreneurs in urban areas with focus on the environment and sustainable development.

The meeting included a discussion of the coming joint community engagement events, which will involve the local Palestinian community in social activities as a cooperative behavior that will help to build a sustainable business urban ecosystem.

Both partners agreed to hold field visits to local stakeholders, as well as to organize focus groups events for local individuals, authorities and educational institutions. In addition to organizing extensive online meetings and Webinars for a larger group of partners, especially international partners and sister cities.