الاستاذ فراس فحيلي والدكتور خالد صبارنة ينشران دراسة مقارنة بين تأثيرات الاشعة السينية وأشعة جاما على خصائص وبنية بروتين الحليب الخام

الاستاذ فراس فحيلي والدكتور خالد صبارنة ينشران دراسة مقارنة بين تأثيرات الاشعة السينية وأشعة جاما على خصائص وبنية بروتين الحليب الخام


Milk has been adopted as a structural nature food for a long era, it is containing most of the growth factors, protective agents, and enzymes needed for the body. The wide demand for fresh milk with the desired organoleptic characteristics and health benefits led to developing non-thermal processing technology aiming to retain all the product qualities and nutrients. Irradiation is an emerging non-thermal technology used to deactivate micro- and macroorganisms that might exist in food. A few attempts have been conducted to treat dairy products especially raw milk by the means of ionizing radiation. With the endorsement of many international food and health organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO), food irradiation is becoming more widely researched as a process to maintain quality, improve safety and reduce quarantine and post-harvest loss. In this role, this study going to investigate the impact of x-radiation and gamma radiation on raw milk construction by evaluating the changes in the protein structure after exposing to certain energies of gamma and x-irradiation.

  • Name of Authors According to their contributions:
  1. First Author: FIRAS FOHELY
  2. Second Author: KHALED SABARNA
  3. Third Author: NURSAKINAH SUARDI