الدكتور أحمد البطران، يشارك في نشر دراسة جديدة بعنوان “ممارسة طب العيون التقليدي والعوامل المحددة له لدى مرضى العيون في الضفة الغربية”
ملخص البحث Background: Traditional eye medicine (TEM) is becoming more widely used across the world. Depending on the drugs used, TEM usage can be considered harmful or innocuous. The therapy may induce infection or irreparable blindness in the already injured eye. The aim of the study was to determine the proportion of traditional eye medicine [...]
الدكتور محمود شكارنة يشارك في دراسة بعنوان “استخدام مخلفات صناعة الحجر في إنتاج الأسمنت”
ملخص البحث The research presents a study on the possibility of using natural stone saw powder in the West Bank, which is considered an environmental problem and brings agricultural land pollution. This study examines the possibility of using the powder waste in the Portland lime cement industry to reduce the cost as well as the [...]
الدكتور أحمد البطران يُشارك في نشر بحث بعنوان “العوامل المؤثرة على اتخاذ القرارات السريرية للممرضين في قسم الطوارئ”
ملخص البحث In an emergency, making the correct decision is vital. It is a necessary element of professional nursing care, and the ability of nurses to make successful clinical decisions is the most critical element influencing care quality. The purpose of this study was to assess the factors influencing nurses’ clinical decision-making in the emergency [...]
الدكتور جميل طميزي، يشارك في نشر فصل في كتاب مُصنّف بعنوان “بحث مقارن حول التنوع في التعلم الافتراضي: وجهات النظر الشرقية والغربية”
ملخص البحث In today's modern world, it is crucial to ensure diversity and inclusion are present in all forms of education. This can be particularly difficult to achieve in virtual learning environments as educators and students adjust to this new way of teaching and learning. Further study on how schools and institutions across the globe [...]
الدكتور أحمد البطران، يشارك في نشر دراسة جديدة بعنوان “تطوير مشروع السجلات الطبية الإلكترونية لمستشفى الرازي في فلسطين”
ملخص البحث Background: Electronic medical records (EMR) are considered an important aspect to improve medical services provided to patients. The purpose of this study was to assess the development of an Electronic Medical Records Project for Al-Razi hospital in Palestine. Design and Methods: The study was mixed method, qualitative and quantitative. The use of a [...]