نشر أ. ماجد الشروف من كلية العلوم الإدارية والمالية بحثا علميا محكما في المجلة الدولية

نشر أ. ماجد الشروف من كلية العلوم الإدارية والمالية بحثا علميا محكما في المجلة الدولية

نشر أ. ماجد الشروف من كلية العلوم الإدارية والمالية بحثا علميا محكما في المجلة الدولية:

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Vol. 9, No. 3, 2019, Pg. 296 – 304


The Effect of Tax Audit Using the Computer on Tax Non-Compliance in Palestine

ملخص البحث:

Across the world issues of non-compliance to tax obligations remains a challenge to policy makers. The knowledge of what influences compliance to tax obligations can serve as a guide to control this challenge. Base of this premise, the current study focuses on the objective to include the role of tax audit on the behaviour of non-compliance to tax among the Palestinians taxpayers. This study is conceived on the basis of an exhaustive review of literature. Giving rise to the development of a conceptual model discussed in this study. The outcome of the earlier studies that assessed the relationship between tax audit and tax non-compliance have been highly inconsistent. In view of this, the proposed conceptual framework encompasses an exceptional and all-inclusive model that is expected to improve the existing knowledge as well as guide stakeholders to better comprehend the influence of tax audit on non-compliance to tax. Furthermore, considering the fact that the hypothesized model for this study was founded on the basis of review of existing literature, there is a need to collect data, analyse the data and come up with an empirical evidence to confirm the proposed relationship.

رابط البحث:
