About the lab:

This lab was established in response to the local, Arab, and international labor market demands through a project to develop a program of Media Technology funded by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). Its goal is to support the field of animation and visual effects as modern and advanced technologies, with significant acceleration, by utilizing advanced systems in motion capture from humans and transferring it to 3D or 2D characters. This can be done through an optical and intelligent design that relies on motion sensors that send signals to the computer to animate the 3D or 2D characters.

The laboratory is equipped with technologies that support visual effects, and it is painted green to facilitate the process of keying and adding scenes as required. This lab is unique in Palestine, and Palestine Ahliya University is the first university distinguished by having it, in addition to its specialization in preparing a curriculum for animation and visual effects as a unique specialization to meet the market’s present and future needs.

Practical Uses of the Lab:

· Offering specialized courses in visual effects, virtual studios, and animation production.
· Developing and producing 3D films and animations.
· Adding visual effects to films and visual materials.
· Producing promotional, awareness, and entertainment visual materials.
· Providing researchers, producers, and technicians the opportunity to collaborate with the university in visual material production.

:Components of the Lab

1. Optical motion capture system.
2. Non-optical motion capture system relying on motion sensors.
3. Desktop and laptop computers capable of implementing this technology appropriately.
4. Green screen for adding visual effects and changing shooting scene backgrounds.
5. Advanced projection device.


Contact Information:

Mr. Fahd Abu Hikl

Laboratory Technician at the College of Applied Professions

Email: fahd@paluniv.edu.ps

Phone: 022751566