Overview of the Specialization and its Mission:

The proposed program aims to provide comprehensive medical care for patients, alleviate their suffering, and offer medical services and assistance regardless of gender, color, age, or ethnicity. The program also aims to graduate qualified nurses with high skills to work with multi-specialty medical teams to meet patient needs and improve healthcare to keep pace with global advancements in the nursing profession. Additionally, it focuses on strengthening the human relationship between nurses, patients, and other medical teams.

Admission Requirements:

  1. Passing the General Secondary Examination (Tawjihi) or its equivalent in the scientific and literary stream.
  2. Successful passing the placement test and personal interview.
  3. Students with a general secondary education certificate (Tawjihi) from other Arab countries are accepted based on the admission criteria applied to students who have obtained the Palestinian General Secondary Examination.
  4. Students who have taken foreign exams such as SAT, IB, and others are accepted if they obtain equivalence from the Palestinian Ministry of Education based on university admission rates.

Potential Work place: Graduates can work in different institutions, hospitals, and healthcare centers, such as:

  1. Government and private medical clinics.
  2. Government and private hospitals.
  3. Home nursing for patients requiring special care and unable to access treatment centers.
  4. Intensive care units in hospitals and healthcare centers.
  5. Sports centers and clubs.
  6. Rehabilitation centers.
  7. Elderly care units.

Potential Job Titles:

  1. Nurse
  2. Medical Assistant
  3. Department Head
  4. Pediatric Nurse
  5. Intensive Care Unit Nurse
  6. Anesthesia Nurse
  7. Elderly Care Nurse
  8. Midwife
  9. Emergency Care Nurse